Morning rituals for the win!

Think about how you start your day. Maybe you regularly hit snooze one too many times, forcing you to dash through your morning. Perhaps, you jump up with the alarm and immediately grab your phone to scroll through the socials. Does your current routine leave you feeling empowered and ready to take on the day, or stressed and unproductive?  

The way you begin is the way you end! Morning rituals set the tone for the rest of your day. Begin your day overwhelmed and unproductive, and you'll likely have an overwhelming unproductive day. However, start strong, and chances are you'll have a day full of relaxed energy and productivity. Nearly all people who are highly successful in their fields have solid morning routines

Oprah Winfrey's routine includes rising early, walking her dogs, reading affirmations, and exercise. Twitter co-founder, Biz Stone, plays with his son for an hour as a part of his morning ritual. Similar to industry leaders Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs, Stone also adopted a "uniform." He wears jeans, a black t-shirt, and blue converse every day. The time the entrepreneur saves with an easy wardrobe, he allocates back to his family.     

Listen, stress and worry can grow like tomatoes on a vine when your world feels out of control. Rituals can reduce both by serving as an anchor of predictability. Knowing what to expect helps you feel more in command of your day, which equals less stress. Starting our morning with structure allows us to accept the unforeseeable when it arises more easily.   

Show yourself some love and take advantage of the numerous benefits of a morning ritual. Create a routine and stick with it for a week. Keep it short and simple with no more than 3-4 activities. Journal or keep notes about how you feel throughout the week.

Tag @rooted_yogacommunity in a pic and let us know how it's going. Better yet, make us part of your morning by jumping into a Morning Glow class. You got this!


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