Avoid this Thief of joy!

The most common mistake we see is yoga is… COMPARISON.

Google ‘common yoga mistakes’ and articles about correcting poses will pop up. The thing is, there are few common mistakes in the physical practice of yogabecause each person needs something different. If anything, the most common error is comparing your practice to someone else’s.

Teddy Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Not only is it the thief of joy, but it’s also the thief of genuine connection. The heart of yoga is union, beginning with uniting with yourself. You can’t find connection in comparison! Your classmate’s yoga may look like a crow pose, while yours looks like learning to drop into the moment and be more present. They’re both right. They’re both enough.

The next time you find yourself comparing your yoga to someone else’s, remember that you each require something different from the practice. 

Let others be a source of inspiration, happiness, and community - not a comparison. Keep moving with purpose!

You got this!


Feel better, do better.


Our best tip for a sustainable yoga practice.